It has been 5 long months of silence.... I am still trying to figure out how to do it all - as a now single mom of 3... There is so much PEACE in my home, but added would be the stress of everything! lol. I am still joyful in the midst of these sometimes chaotic dayz! Sometimes I feel like I am in crazy daze!
I am forever thankful to my dear Facebook friends <3 -="" ...="" 3="" :="" abandoned="" afar="" again="" all="" amazing="" amist="" an="" and="" another="" are="" back...="" beautiful...="" bed="" being="" bout="" br="" but="" call="" calling="" cheerleaders.....="" closing="" could="" cried......="" day="" days="" dealt="" dear="" don="" encouraged="" encouragement="" even="" ever="" every="" facebook="" feel="" felt="" for="" friend="" friends="" friendships="" from="" get="" had="" hand="" hasn="" have="" held="" how="" i="" imagine....="" in....="" insomnia...="" invaluable="" is="" it="" judging="" just="" know="" late="" laugh="" life.="" like="" local="" lol="" love="" made.....="" made="" maybe="" me="" more="" my="" never="" of="" oh="" on="" once="" one="" ones="" or="" out="" over="" prayers="" reality="" scattered="" stayed="" t="" than="" thank="" that="" the="" those="" to="" uncontrollably...="" up="" visit="" was="" were="" when="" while="" who="" wish="" with="" world...="" world="" you="">I see happiness in my future for me and my children... I see passion and love ;) ... I see strength from within to pick up my clay and create... I see strength from within to pick up my paintbrush to create- I have many paintings to make for friends that have been on my heart for so long... I have the strength, now I just have to re-find my creativity- it has been lost somewhere amongst the last 4 years of hell and break-up....
Deep breaths, and I will soon be back- creating amazing pieces to sell, to display in my home, and to make for dear dear friends..... Love & Peace to you....3>
Saint and Icons, Cats, Bees, and Loss.
5 years ago