Thursday, August 13, 2009

This Weeks Pieces

Hello again... I just had to blog again today.... I was so excited to open up my kiln to see the new goodies that are completed... Iam like a child in a candy store when I open my kiln, the excitement is huge! So, I just wanted to share my new goodies with you.You can also view more of my work at,
although there is not too much listed there yet, I am in the process of expanding more of my pieces!.. Thanks for looking, & happy Thursday nite!

AND THE WINNER IS...........

Wooo Hoooo! Congats to KAT! You won the contest! You guessed what was missing, it was "FOLLOWERS!"
You had to actually be the first to follow me! And, drum roll please- You were my first follower, so....You won the bowl!! I love that you are my first :)... So, I need you to please send me an e-mail with the address you would like me to mail it to so I can send you your gift... My e-mail address is
Also... I believe I should give out a runner-up prize as well, because my 2nd follower, Nancyad7 was correct also & actually put herself as a dedicated follower... So sweet!!!!! So, Nancyad7, please e-mail me your address as well so I can mail you out a goodie! Again, a big thanks to those of you who participated! Thanks!!!
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